Recent studies have revealed that erectile dysfunction (ED), the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection to carry out sexual activity, affects more than 150 million men worldwide, and as many as 30 million men in the United States.
While ED is often caused by physical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, prostate cancer, injury, and restricted blood flow to the penis, psychological and emotional issues like stress, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem can also cause this condition.
As a result, ED is a concern for men of all ages and has profound physical, emotional, and psychological impacts.
Current Treatment
Presently, the most effective medical interventions for this condition are drugs which increase blood flow to the penis to cause an erection. However, these expensive medications come with a long list of side effects like loss of vision and hearing, and other warnings that make them untenable or unattractive options for many patients.
Other treatment options include invasive and painful surgical interventions like the implanting of prosthetic devices and vascular reconstruction surgery to increase blood flow.
Over the past year, many patients were able to achieve erections after a single Low Level Laser treatment session, and continued to produce erections long after the treatment program for the condition ended.
How does Cold Laser Therapy Help?
Like many current medications available to manage ED, Low Level Laser Therapy works by opening vascular passages to allow more blood to flow into the penis, and by blocking the PDE5 enzyme, which restricts the flow of blood out of the penis, leading to longer and stronger erections.
By using the infrared wavelength, Cold Laser Therapy delivers billions of photons to tissue in the penis, resulting in the increased production of nitric oxide (NO). The increased NO production acts as a vasodilator, opening up arteries to increase blood flow to the penis leading to an erection.
At the same time, the red wavelength increases sensation within the penis. This increased sensation, coupled with the increased blood flow makes it easier for men suffering from ED to generate an erection.
This novel treatment alternative has shown incredible results in patients suffering from ED.
With thanks to the THERALASE LASER website.

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